/ About Us
New Life is located on Cape Cod, Massachusetts USA.
Our vision encompasses two aspects:
Firstly, to see our communities impacted by believers living in and from the abundance of God's goodness and presence. Through Simply Worship that takes place the first three Sundays of the month, we provide an opportunity to encounter God's felt presence and to live this out during the week.
Secondly, New Life is a training ministry. We do this through the training of believers and pastors - locally and trans-locally - and through our Bible College on Cape Cod, Formations Bible College
Dr. Stephen & Dalene Russell
Stephen and Dalene hail from South Africa and assumed the leadership at New Life in 2002.
They met 38 years ago whilst serving on the mission fields of Mozambique. They pioneered a church and Christian school The King's Court in northeastern South Africa and travelled throughout Africa teaching and training through various events.
Together, their heart is to see the Church manifesting the full measure of Christ's Body in purity, presence and power. They are committed to training believers as they believe the influence of the Gospel as seen in the early church will be restored through believers being well versed in Scripture and its application to everyday life. Their desire is to see the Kingdom of God advance in every sphere of influence in believers' lives.
Stephen holds a Doctorate in Theology.
Tom & Alison Burton
Leadership Team
Casey and Lisa Hodges
Leadership Team
New Life enjoys close relationships with church leaders on Cape Cod based on the belief that when we work together as the larger family of God, He is glorified.
New Life enjoys monthly gatherings with other church leaders through the Evangelical Ministers Fellowship of Cod and the Islands (EMF).
On a regional level, Stephen serves as associated Director of Vision New England, an association of more than a thousand ministries to support and build networks and ministries to expand God's Kingdom in New England.
New Life is also a part of Global Awakening's network of churches and ministries led by Dr Randy Clark.
Stephen and Dalene are also affiliated with Bethel Leaders Network (BLN) out of Bethel Church in Redding CA.
Find out more about Vision New England, Global Awakening and Bethel Leaders Network.
of faith
In one God and three Persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit;
In God, the Father who loves the world, who is concerned and involved with humanity and who is working all things after the counsel of His will.
In God, the Son, who is the only begotten Son of God, who is the way, the truth and the life–the only Savior of the world and who died for the sins of humanity. He was resurrected from the dead, will judge the living and the dead and will return to the earth.
In God, the Holy Spirit, who indwells believers, evidenced by the fruit of the spirit, who baptizes the believer evidenced by power, who gives spiritual gifts to believers and who works in the hearts of believers, leading and causing them to please God.
That humanity is under the reign of sin and death, and therefore, needs a Savior;
That salvation is a free gift of God, given to those who believe in Jesus Christ;
That the righteous and the unrighteous will be resurrected from the dead to be judged: those who believe will be rewarded with eternal happiness in the presence of God and those who reject Jesus will be condemned to hell.
That Jesus is building His Church, which is made of all people who believe in Jesus Christ over which the gates of hades will not prevail and which shall continue maturing until it is brought into fullness.
In the kingdom of God which was established when Jesus sat down at the right hand of the Father, of which all believers in Jesus are citizens. We believe the Kingdom of God can be experienced today and is growing in the earth, like seeds in soil, which will grow until it fills the earth, which will be brought in full power when Jesus returns to the earth.
That the Old and New Testaments were written by men and inspired by God.