days to
Someone once said that it is not a shame to fail to reach a dream, but rather to fail to even have a dream. Many dream to be free — free from issues, habits and lifestyles that do not glorify Christ and which the enemy uses to steal our peace, health, finances and future. For some, this dream has become an impossibility and abandoned themselves to a life of failure, defeat and living out of unbiblical mindsets and wrong beliefs.
With this 40-day devotional we offer you a journey to embrace the freedom that we have in Christ Jesus. We encourage you to be intentional about receiving God’s best for you. There is a great future of being the you that Christ envisioned on the cross. Remember, it is God’s desire for you to succeed in every area of your life. He has designed you for that; He has dreams about you and for you.
We have to accept responsibility for the choices that we make. Hosea 8:7 is a warning — “They sow the wind, and reap the whirlwind”.
Together we want to say NO to the fruit and effect of wrong mindsets and choices and through Christ-centered beliefs, reap the fruit and rewards of His life and victories. That is the aim of this 40-day journey - to find and start living from His well of life.
Welcome to the journey!
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